Tumor Lysis Syndrom Léčba?

Základem prevence je dostatečný přísun tekutin, který umožní ledvinám očišťovat organizmus a odstraňovat přebytečné ionty. Kromě toho se může pacientům s předstihem začít podávat sloučenina allopurinol (např. léky Milurit a Apo-Allopurinol), která pomáhá snižovat koncentraci kyseliny močové.

What is tumor lysis syndrome?

Tumor lysis syndrome is most common in patients diagnosed with leukemia who have a very high white blood cell (WBC) count. It can also be seen in high-grade lymphomas, especially after the initiation of aggressive chemotherapy. Other solid tumors that can cause tumor lysis syndrome are hepatoblastoma or neuroblastoma.

How is tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) diagnosed?

MONITORING Urine output is the key factor to monitor in patients who are at risk for the tumor lysis syndrome and in those in whom the syndrome has developed. In patients whose risk of clinical tumor lysis syndrome is non-negligible, urine output and fluid balance should be recorded and assessed frequently.

What electrolyte imbalance is associated with tumor lysis syndrome?

Hyperphosphatemia Hyperphosphatemia is another electrolyte imbalance associated with tumor lysis syndrome. The nucleic acid has a phosphate group, and the breakdown of the tumorous cell will lead to the release of a significant amount of phosphorus into the bloodstream. Most of the phosphorus is renally excreted.

What is the relationship between lactate dehydrogenase and tumor lysis syndrome?

Lactate dehydrogenase level is a surrogate for tumor proliferation. The higher the level, the greater the risk of the tumor lysis syndrome. Cancer-cell sensitivity to anticancer therapy Cancers that are inherently more sensitive to therapy have a higher rate of cell lysis and a greater risk of the tumor lysis syndrome than the other cancers.


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