Coluna Vertebral L4-L5?

Las vértebras L4-L5 son las dos más bajas de la columna lumbar, y junto con el disco adjunto, las articulaciones, los nervios y los tejidos blandos, proporcionan una variedad de funciones, que incluyen ser soporte de la parte superior del cuerpo y permitir el movimiento en múltiples direcciones.

What is L4 L5 intervertebral disc?

L4-L5 intervertebral disc. A disc made of a gel-like material (nucleus pulposus) surrounded by a thick fibrous ring (annulus fibrosus) is situated between the vertebral bodies of L4 and L5. This disc provides cushioning and shock-absorbing functions to protect the vertebrae from grinding against each other during spinal movements.

What causes pain in the L4 L5 vertebrae?

Rarely, tumors and infections may affect the L4-L5 vertebrae and spinal segment. The L4-L5 motion segment may cause referred pain from the joints and/or muscles or radicular symptoms that travel through nerves.

What is the L4 L5 motion segment?

Anatomy of the L4-L5 Spinal Motion Segment. The L4-L5 motion segment includes the following structures: L4 and L5 vertebrae. Each vertebra consists of a vertebral body in front and a vertebral arch at the back. The vertebral arch has 3 bony protrusions: a prominent spinous process in the middle and two transverse processes on either side.

What is the function of the L4 and L5?

Las vértebras L4-L5 son las dos más bajas de la columna lumbar, y junto con el disco adjunto, las articulaciones, los nervios y los tejidos blandos, proporcionan una variedad de funciones, que incluyen ser soporte de la parte superior del cuerpo y permitir el movimiento en múltiples direcciones.


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