Carcinoma In Situ Tratamento?

Carcinoma lobular in situ (CLIS) O tratamento para o CLIS inclui a observação e o aconselhamento, com ou sem terapia endócrina de longo prazo com tamoxifeno (em mulheres na menopausa e na pré-menopausa), ou raloxifeno, anastrozol ou exemestano (em mulheres menopausadas); ou mastectomia bilateral preventiva (profilática).

What are the treatments for carcinoma in situ?

Other treatments may also be used for carcinoma in situ in other regions of the body. For example, some early cancerous (CIN) stages of some types of skin cancer may be treated with topical chemotherapy or other treatments. 7  Being told you have carcinoma in situ can be very frightening.

What is carcinoma in situ?

The term carcinoma in situ is a term used to define and describe a cancer that is only present in the cells where it started and has not spread to any nearby tissues. Carcinoma in situ is the earliest stage of a cancer, and is, at this stage, considered ‚non-invasive.‘

What is ductal carcinoma in situ?

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) means the cells that line the milk ducts of the breast have become cancer, but they have not spread into surrounding breast tissue.

Is carcinoma in situ cancer curable?

With regard to staging, carcinoma in situ is considered stage 0 cancer. Stage 1 to stage 4 are all considered ‚invasive‘ cancers, as they have spread beyond something called the ‚basement‘ membrane in tissues. When cancers are found at this stage, they should theoretically be 100 percent curable.


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